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3 Little Bottles

Thought I'd mix it up today and do something lighthearted here.

I popped into town this morning (as an aside, anyone else still incredulous that "new Bracknell / The Lexicon is so great and that it's really here to stay?!) 
Anyhow, I popped into town for a quick wander and bought 3 "essentials" I'd run out of, so I thought I'd share them with you - and of course I'd love to hear about your 3 recent essential purchases.

1 Contact lense solution
I've worn glasses since Secondary school, and contact lenses since I left Uni. Gas permeables - great for me - slightly perilous in swimming pools / the sea / other people's sinks (£80 to replace). They work for me - and so a couple of bottles of solution each month keep me going.I ran out a couple of days ago, so it was £4.70 well spent for clean lenses and clear eyesight.

2. "Buffet" by The Ordinary
This was a new one for me, a present I received last Christmas. I LOVE it and can't recommend it highly enough.  The blurb says:"This formula combines a comprehensive array of studied technologies to target multiple signs of aging at once."  
See why I like it?! Apparently it's got all the identical fancy ingredients that appear in far more expensive products. Lots of their products are only £6 - the other one I love is hyaluronic acid. Buffet costs around £12.70 and you can get it in Fenwicks, so that means you also get to walk around with a fancy green bag too) I do feel that at 53 I'm finally getting my act together over skin care AND that my skin's looking good because of it - highly recommended!

3. Sparkly Nail Varnish 
I bought myself some at Christmas and have run out. LOVE this - £4 from Next . So easy to apply / reapply / cover over chips and wear&tear gaps. I'll admit it's a bit of a pig to remove with remover, but it's very therapeutic to peel off :)

So that's it - today's purchases - 3 little bottles of joy.
What are your favourites?

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