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Showing posts from March, 2014

As Surely as the Sun Will Rise You'll Come

One of the points I made about connecting with God, at last Saturday's Word and Worship Brunch, was that it's an easy fit for us. It should feel natural. But that in itself might mean we play down our most natural "Spiritual Pathway". I know that I so easily forget to "tune into God" when all it sometimes takes is to pop a worship song on - even when driving from A to B, or when washing up, or other "between times". My spiritual pathways are worship, and being outdoors. And I just snatched 10 minutes between activities in my day to listen to this song You'll come - it speaks such hope, faith and truth to me! We used it as a focus when praying for REAL this week in the prayer room (btw have you seen you can now book for April and May?) and this line is one of my strong desires and prayers for the women who will be coming to REAL: " Chains be broken! Lives be healed! Eyes be opened as Christ is revealed" Amen, He will come " As s...

Open The Door

It was great to be together again at yesterday's Word and Worship Brunch. Thanks to all the team who worked hard to make the event happen; and thanks to all the women who came along. I loved our time of worship together - your hunger for God really inspires me. We looked together at how we connect with God in our daily lives, exploring the different Spiritual Pathways, which are "Like doors that open into a room where we feel particularly close to God." Here are the seven different categories - which best describes you? Experiment this week and try out some different ways of connecting with God. I'd love to hear how you get on!  

Word and Worship Brunch this Saturday

Are you coming? Have you got your ticket? Can you help? It's come round really quickly hasn't it? Word and Worship Brunch is this Saturday 10-12.   With bacon rolls, fresh fruit and hot and cold drinks; awesome worship and a great life message from the Bible; time together with friends and with God. It's going to be so good. I really h ope you'll be there too?   So there's still time this week to join in - whether that's buying your ticket, helping on the morning or coming along on Tuesday to pray (or all three!) Here's how... Make your plans, buy your ticket (pop into Kerith reception 9.30-5 this week, or call 01344 862699) and see which of your friends are coming too. If you'd like to help in anyway (serve coffee, be the welcome team, help in the car park, tidy up afterwards...) we'd love to hear from you - please email me We've booked the prayer room, to pray for the Word and Worship event from 8-9pm on Tuesda...