Sitting in my kitchen/conservatory eating my porridge this morning, I looked around and what did I see? Dog hairs on the sofa, chipped paint on the walls, long cobwebs hanging off the light, a messy garden through the dirty windows, mud splatters on the walls where wet dogs have shaken themselves dry, and the list goes on. I found myself thinking of the 15 women who'd been in my kitchen last Saturday, realising that they must have noticed all this dirt and mess too. Within 3 minutes (by the end of my porridge!) I was grumbling, worrying what people thought of me and feeling discontent THEN I remembered my preach from a short two weeks ago which (surprise surprise) was all about discontent and grumbling....and about changing perspective, giving thanks and "learning the secret of being content". THEN I remembered: - the evening this week when a friend and I had our hair done in this same space - and we laughed and chatted and shared the real things that ar...