Roll up! Final call for Word and Worship tickets! You know what it's like when you've got people coming round, and you think there's 8, so you shop for 8, but the it turns out to be 12, so you either shop again or make it stretch? Yep, us too! So it's really helpful to know if you're planning to come to Word and Worship on Saturday - we'd love the place packed, and we're praying and planning for that, but we don't want to end up with too many lovely fresh warm Danish pastries, pieces of fruit, glasses of juice or cups of hot filter coffee (or tea, or those lovely herbal things!), and we certainly we don't want to end up with not enough :( So if you're planning to come and haven't managed to buy your ticket yet, please call into or phone Kerith reception (01344 862699) between 9.30 and 4.30 today, or send me a quick email and we'll get your ticket put by for you to pay and collect on Saturday. It's go...