It was a real privilege to speak at all three Kerith meetings yesterday. You can hear my Talk here , I pray that it encourages and blesses you ! We can't be perfect mums, but because of God's unconditional love for us, we can love our children unconditionally. Here are a few of the quotes I mentioned. I've never quit loving you and never will. Expect love, love and more love. Jeremiah 31:3 MSG James Dobson - The Strong Willed Child “Children are not casual guests in our home. They have been loaned to us temporarily for the purpose of loving them and instilling a foundation of values on which their future lives will be built.” “Don't throw away your friendship with your teenager over behaviour that has no great moral significance. ………There will be plenty of real issues that require you to stand like a rock. Save your big guns for those crucial confrontations.” “The key to adole...