Saturday's Word and Worship Brunch was really enjoyable - great food, great atmosphere, great worship, great to be together! Thanks to everyone who came; and thanks also to everyone who made the morning possible, serving beforehand and on the day itself - we really couldn't do it without you all! It was a huge privilege for me to bring the word at the brunch. Thank you for your encouraging stories and comment, sharing with me how God spoke to you. One of my favourites went something along the lines of "we all have so many things going on in our heads and our lives, we don't need more things to add to it, so thank you for bringing a clear and simple message". And it is simple! Inspired by the song "Jesus at the centre of it all", I talked about us wanting to put Jesus at the centre of our lives, and yet reality is that we find ourselves d enying Jesus, hardly mentioning his name in our conversations, and crowding him out into the background with ot...