We spent a lovely weekend with Dave and Nicki Frodsham and their great family in The Wirral. I didn't look at the map before we went, so had no idea what a lovely place it was - or indeed that it was on the coast! The Frodshams used to be part of Kerith, and Dave now leads Jubilee Church, which meets in a school hall. Simon spoke at their Church yesterday morning - he was brilliant, and we had a lovely welcome from everyone. We also got the opportunity to walk around the church building that they are hoping to purchase - it's amazing...and massive! It was great to hear all that they are up to , and to be able to encourage them. We missed Kerith of course, so it was so encouraging to read tweets and texts as the morning went on - I'm looking forward to catching up with Michael Ross Watson's teaching, via the podcasts.Last week I had a lot of meetings and conversations about REAL, as we debriefed as a team - talking through what worked well and what we can improve on. It was great to use all that energy in now planning for REAL 2013!
I was so encouraged to hear how people are listening again to the conference podcasts. Two friends told me how they had used them in their Bible study group and their Lifegroup. For some it was a chance to listen again (I find that God brings new things every time I listen to a message) but for many they were listening for the first time. Either they weren't able to get to REAL, or they just thought it wasn't for them. It seems that the teaching has gone down really well - and been a great tool for stimulating discussion about how we outwork our faith in our own, very real, very "in this season" lives.
So, take inspiration from them and listen again - on your own or in a group.
This morning I listened to the first 10 minutes of Shauna's first talk - really great! There wasn't time to listen to it all in one long chunk this morning, but I'll pick it up again in a quiet 10 minutes later - that's ok :)
It's all part of Jesus' invitation
I was so encouraged to hear how people are listening again to the conference podcasts. Two friends told me how they had used them in their Bible study group and their Lifegroup. For some it was a chance to listen again (I find that God brings new things every time I listen to a message) but for many they were listening for the first time. Either they weren't able to get to REAL, or they just thought it wasn't for them. It seems that the teaching has gone down really well - and been a great tool for stimulating discussion about how we outwork our faith in our own, very real, very "in this season" lives.
So, take inspiration from them and listen again - on your own or in a group.
This morning I listened to the first 10 minutes of Shauna's first talk - really great! There wasn't time to listen to it all in one long chunk this morning, but I'll pick it up again in a quiet 10 minutes later - that's ok :)
It's all part of Jesus' invitation
"Are you tired? Worn out?
Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your
life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with
me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything
heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live
freely and lightly." Matthew 11:28-30 (MSG)