Like you, I've been part of lots of different gatherings of people this past week Saturday evening we got together with my whole family to celebrate my beautiful Mum's 70th Birthday Sunday at Kerith - lots of catching up, lots of new people. A new, long walk alone with the dog in the woods. Monday morning - Jacob had an interview at sixth form college - we tried to look "incognito" amongst the mass of students as we travelled in on the train! Tuesday and Wednesday - a class of intriguing, demanding 5 year olds, plus colleagues in the staff room. Today - fun to teach a session on "Spiritual Pathways" for our 12 amazing Academy students.Lunch and catch-up with a friend, then another dog walk in the sunshine. I try to be fully present in each different setting - it's not easy, and I don't always get it right. I have an ever-growing , never-diminishing TO-DO list this week, and my mind is buzzing. Yet somehow, in the middle of this busy life, I ne...