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Showing posts from July, 2011

Inspiration via Twitter

"@Leelm: The greatest foundation we can build is on God's word for our lives, it's a foundation of truth and promises beyond whatever we could build." Simplify ur life so God can use u, Practice gratitude so God can bless u, Rediscover pleasure so God can lavishly love u via@kaywarren1 Loving ur neighbor as yourself=speaking how u'd like to be spoken to,assuming the best, offering grace & helping how u can. Rick Warren

Take Every Thought Captive

“ If you have been bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, it will be one of the greatest assets to faith when the time of trial comes, because your faith and the Spirit of God will work together.”    Oswald Chambers

@CharlGambill, 19/07/2011 20:55

Charlotte Gambill ( @CharlGambill ) 19/07/2011 20:55 You will never be what everybody wants you to be, so just be all God made you to be!
Kerith Academy Graduates!
"@BenCooley: What a great night last night!! Thanks to all involved ESP @simonbenham and @Leelm for hosting us so well!!! ,sue ranger you did a GREAT JOB" Amen!!!

Chess Pieces

Have you still got the chess piece we gave out at the end of Real? Where have you put it so that it acts as a visual provocation for us to remember we need to "make our move"? Great to hear about the many converstaions around Kerith about the different chess pieces: what they mean, and what they might mean for each of us. Thanks to Mary for her prophetic thoughts - see if any resound with you. What are your thoughts? Pawn   Moves in small steps. Keep going to the end and you will be crowned the Queen Rook   Moves in a clear direction. Can swap places with the King to protect him. Knight   In God's army, moves in a way others can't, and breaks through the barriers. Bishop   Sees things from an angle. This different perspective brings much needed strength in the fight against the enemy. Queen   A key figure that can move in many spheres but needs protection from the enemy. King   Your strength is in who you are, not what you do. Stand fir...