So Real starts TOMORROW!!! Can't wait - although I did dream last night that I fell asleep on the sofa on Friday evening and missed the whole thing!!! Please would you join us in praying for Real?.."unless the Lord builds the house, we labour in vain" so we need God's hand, His heart, His ideas and His Holy Spirit in everything we do as we prepare and experience Real 2011. Praying for Real 30.06.11 Thank you for praying for Real.... Specifically today: Please pray for Sue and the whole team preparing for all the women coming . Lots of practical preparations as they take deliveries, organise and sort, move furniture, make the place look beautiful…All the “day before” tasks. Also all the creative elements and final tweaks. Pray for energy, strength and joy - Kerith will be buzzing! Thank God for a great technical rehearsal last night, and for such willingness to serve amongst that team of gifted volunteers. Please als...