Today's the final day for buying Real tickets at the earlybird rate - come and catch us in the Kerith reception at the Sunday meetings. You can also book online . At 7pm tonight we will be joined by the Canadian drama group who'll be putting on a play called "Unlikely Heroes", which will include the youth drama team and takes a look at some of the unlikely heroes in the Bible. Just a reminder that there are still some places available for the Fourteen Day Retreat this Tuesday 3rd May. So check out the details and contact Elizabeth if you'd like to join them. Think about any of your friends who might also benefit from the day. I'm off to Serenje at the end of May. This time the focus will be on developing the links between our local schools here and those in Serenje, so we're taking out some teachers (including my boss!). Please do pray for our preparations; and for those coordinating the trip; and for the community in Serenje. Perhaps you could fi...