My Talk from the Unique Simply Word and Worship evening is now up on the Kerith website -You can listen here One aspect of the evening was an encouragement for us to be feeding ourselves spiritually - giving the Bible "plenty of room in our lives". As part of this, I interviewed Sandra Austin, who talked about the Morph group that she is part of. She has written about Morph in some more detail on her blog, I think you'll be really interested to read more, so check it out here . I also interviewed Henriette, who told us about the group of young women she is a part of, who meet every Friday morning to delve a bit deeper into the Bible together. Both these women challenged us to "do something" - so it made me wonder - what things are you doing / going to do to feed yourself? My absolute priority commitment of time and money this year is to the Real Conference (of course!) 1st and 2nd July, £23 if booked before 1st May , with Speakers: Me (!) Rachel Hickson an...