Last week I had the privilege of preaching at Kerith. I talked about the daily choices we can make even (especially!) in busy times,so that we connect with God . Based on the Bible account of Jesus visiting the home of Martha and her sister Mary, I called these " Mary moments in Martha days " (thanks Bev for that great line!). God's made it so that we are all wired up differently and there are different situations and activities that make each one of us feel alive, close and connected to God. So we looked at 7 Spiritual Pathways and suggested activities and "ideal gifts" for each one. Which one are you? The spiritual pathways are: Intellectual, Relational, Serving, Worship, Activist, Contemplative and Creation I've had some great conversations with people since - it's been fascinating to hear what their spiritual pathway is, and how they best pursue it to connect with God. A lot of practical action seems to have resulted, including a son doing the wa...