Two of my good friends, both great local leaders are hosting and speaking at the Inspire Ladies Conference in Camberley on Saturday 13th November. It's a local Newfrontiers conference hosted by Beacon Church . Bev Landreth-Smith is hosting; and Liz Green from Reading is one of the speakers. The theme of the day is "Identity". Bev's written on the invitation: "We are specifically looking at how to identify our own God-given gifts and talents, and to use them for the benefit of the Kingdom of God! It looks like a great day - nice and close too. Cost is £10, You can pre-order lunch for £6.50. This requires listening to God and finding out how to use our time and gifts in the right arena. We will examine how as we get older and wiser we can change where and when we use those gifts and talents. We will look at what Jesus said and did, what he says about us, and what he wants us to do. We will hear a testimony of a lady who has made certain choices about how she h...