11am and I am doing my favourite "Saturday downtime" thing - reading the papers, drinking coffee and listening to Jonathan Ross (I confess)
Peace at last because the day started at 5.45, getting son 1 up and out to college ready for a DofE trip to Snowdon. Then getting daughter up and ready and out, together with her friends to volunteer at Oakwood stables.
(although neither happening was as uneventful and straightforward as that - "do i have any gloves?"(at 5.45am)..."do we have any ice packs?" (at 5.45 am)..."can you cook me some pasta to take?" (at 7.45 am) - same in your house?! :) :) :)
Diesel was very low, so off to pop £20.01 in (just missed it) and by then (especially given that son 2 and husband were at home still in their beds) I decided it was Starbucks time :)
One last task - food shop - food for today and tomorrow and the beginning of next week including packed lunches for Monday plus all the stuff we've run out of plus a couple of edible Fathers Day gifts plus brownie-making-ingredients for the 4 Lifegroups coming round this week! Yep, not so small a shop now! Great to bump into a couple of friends - one of whom didn't realise it's Fathers Day tomorrow :)
So once I'd got home, got it all put away, you can understand my need to stop ,enjoy and capture the moment - and it was still only 11am with lots of the day still ahead!
Crazy thought that in 2 weeks time REAL will have happened! I'm believing for God to speak and move and challenge and comfort and encourage all the women coming along. Praying for you, precious guest!
Have been really encouraged in the last few days by people's expectancy and excitement about the conference. Also by each new booking - come and book your place tomorrow if you haven't yet done so. Why not invite a friend neighbour colleague or sister too? Don't do what I often do and say people's "no's" for them!
Looking forward to Church tomorrow - I'll be at the REAL table so come and find me!
I want to be fully there and fully awake -
"God moments are not moments when God shows up. He is always there. God moments are those when we show up"
Mark Batterson