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Showing posts from March, 2010

Fully Available

"My life is in Your hands God. Use me to point someone towards You today - I promise to cooperate in any way I can. If You want me to say a word for You today, I'll do that. If You want me to keep quiet but demonstrate love and servanthood, by Your Spirit's power I will. I am fully available to You today, so guide me by Your Spirit." Bill Hybels from Willow Creek Church in Chicago wrote these words. I read them on a relaxing holiday in the sunshine last summer (just writing the word sunshine makes me feel good!). I printed them out onto a bookmark in my diary. These words are a great prayer for the beginninmg of a day or week. They are true when you feel like you have capacity to think and give. They are true when you feel so stretched that "one more thing" will cause you to unravel. They are releasing words - and help with the guilt factor that screams "could do better Catrina!" The truth that we are in God's hands; that He wants to (and d...

It's a Beautiful Day

Wow wow wow! We had a great time on Saturday didn't we? Mamma Mia was such fun - I seriously loved singing along -and especially Dancing Queen at the end, when all us girls were up and dancing! So, thanks for coming along, for bringing your friends and for singing along! Well done too to those brave girls who sang and danced on the stage - and not a drop of alcohol was needed! Great to see women of all ages together just enjoying each others company and having fun together. Thanks too to all those involved in the planning and behind the scenes - we couldn't have done it without you! Everyone who came to Mamma Mia took away an invitation to Real - the Unique Conference on 3rd July. The beautiful invites are available at the Kerith reception - I'll be handing them out to women at Church on Sunday too. Thanks to the women who have encouraged us greatly by registering already :) It's £20 if you register before May 3rd. So let's get talking about it - inviting others...

Knowing Me Knowing You

Thought Ben and Lincoln did a great job Sunday morning at Church advertising the next Unique event - thanks for the singing guys! Just wanted to remind you that this Saturday (4-7pm) is our Mamma Mia event at the Kerith Centre. Tickets are £3 for the refreshments - popcorn, sweets drinks..and a tub of ice cream in the interval  :) We'll be watching the Mamma Mia singalong DVD together. It's not too late to buy tickets - please drop into the Kerith Centre or call Val or Debbie at reception to put some tickets by for you. Especially if you are thinking of bringing a group - we want enough ice creams for us all! I know that I often say people's "no's" for them - so if you've also been meaning to ask some friends along, do it today! The event is pure fun and friendship - a great and easy way of being with old and new friends. Saturday's event will also be the first opportunity to buy your tickets for Real, the Unique Conference on July 3rd. So come pr...