I was going to apologise for being lazy in not doing my blog for two weeks now...but then I realised that I've actually been busy, too busy living to blog, so that's ok isn't it?!
Busy enjoying watching my ripening tomatoes; and the sunflowers that a kind friend bought me when I was feeling poorly. Busy enjoying quite a few coffees in quite a few coffee houses. Busy going on summer picnics with the children, their cousins and friends. Busy helping A to prepare for the year 6 leaving disco, by sewing straps to a pretty skirt to make it into a unique dress for her, whilst also chopping and stabbing fruit to make kebabs to take. I've attended meetings and have spent two lovely evenings laughing with good friends and enjoying good food together. S and Z have been away in Poland this week - and I've cooked meals and tidied house; administered medicine to children with headaches and I've visited friends. I've taken part in an evening of filming for the Church information and notices Sunday slot - way out of my comfort zone! I've not slept brilliantly -in fact S came home just in time as I'd been waking an hour earlier each morning and it was looking like I might soon be waking up even before I went to bed!?! In other words it's been 2 weeks of "normal life".
You know that I love Shauna Niequist's book Cold Tangerines. Especially this quote, which seems to put the last 2 weeks into context for me:
"The life you've been waiting for is happening all around you...This is it. This is life in all its glory, swirling and unfolding around us, disguised as pedantic, pedestrian non-events. But pull off the mask and you will find your life, waiting to be made, chosen, woven, crafted."