Saturday was a gift of a day to more than 50 women from our Church community. Worship, teaching, fantastic food and friendship; rest and relaxation; "son-bathing" in the most beautiful and peaceful surroundings. I'm talking about the women's prayer retreat "Deeper into God's Presence" organised by Tess and her team; with the day led by Liz Babbs. Liz was great -warm, humorous, down to earth. There was nothing "spooky" or super-spiritual about her teaching. Instead, she led us in prayer and meditation techniques so that we would each be able to develop our prayer-life. We listened to Jesus' teaching about the vine and the branches, and then really slowed down and really listened. We visualised being right there alongside the woman who met Jesus at the well. it was powerful stuff - keys and tools to take away to use in our own personal prayer life. Liz encouraged us to "pray continually" in a very normal and easy way. I've just begun reading her book "Into God's Presence" and I think it's great - very accessible.
A huge well done and thank you to the team who organised the day and to all those who worked so hard to serve us on the day itself. From beginning to end it was a treat - the beautifully prepared meal was preceded by the offer of an individual steamed towel to freshen up, which was itself preceded by 50 minutes of being alone outside with God - what a treat!
One of Liz's main encouragements was for each of us to make space in our everyday daily lives for God. She talked about Jesus' instruction to "shut the door" when we're following His example in withdrawing from people and activities in order to spend time with God. More on this later this week!
In the meantime, if you came on Saturday, why not take part by leaving a comment in the forum on the Unique webpage?